Club 200
- Details
- Written by EGHC
This Lottery (The 200 Club) raises funds for EGHC to invest strategically in Performance and Grass Roots hockey.
Detailed rules are at the bottom of this page, but in essence a monthly payment of £10 entitles members of the 200 Club to participate in prize draws each month. The size and number of prizes is dependent upon the number of people who sign up to the 200 Club and these are detailed below with the 200 Club Rules..
1: The name of the draw is the East Grinstead Hockey Club 200 Club, regardless of the number of members. Hereafter referred to as “The Lottery”.
2: The objective of the Lottery is to raise funds for East Grinstead Hockey Club performance teams, hereafter called ‘The Club’. The Club is based at: Saint Hill Sports Club, Saint Hill, East Grinstead, West Sussex.
3: The Lottery will be administered by The Competition Secretary appointed by the Executive Committee of The Club. Applications for participation in the Lottery shall be made to The Competition Secretary online via the form at EGHC Website:
Sign up can be completed on any day of the month, but eligibility for prize draw requires that sign-up has been completed the day before the final Friday of the month.
If you have missed this date you will be eligible for a prize from the following month onwards.
4: The Lottery will be open to anybody aged 18 or over. By applying to join the lottery you are confirming that you are over 18 years old and eligible. Tickets are sequentially numbered from 1 onwards. Participants are entitled to hold any number of Tickets. A purchaser of a Ticket becomes a participant in the Lottery and will become a social member of The Club enjoying the normal privileges of that class of membership. Once a Ticket has been purchased it cannot be changed or transferred within the competition.
5: The Lottery will be run continuously, commencing in February 2022, provided that a minimum of 21 Tickets have been allocated by the date of the first draw in any given year. If fewer than 21 Tickets have been issued, the competition will be reviewed and participants notified. If the Lottery does not run then any amounts received in respect of that period for the Lottery will be refunded, less any credit card processing charges.
The first draw will be on the final Friday in February 2022 and monthly thereafter on the final Friday. The draw will be made using an automatic random number generator or other such means as The Competition Secretary deems appropriate. All participants are entitled to attend the draws, which must be held in the presence of at least 3 members of The Club committee or 1 member & 2 independent witnesses. In the event of multiple draws taking place at one time, numbers will be drawn for the monthly competition first, followed by the Quarterly, Bi-Annual and Annual draws in that order.
6: The number of Tickets in the Lottery shall not be limited and each Ticket shall be allocated a unique number. The Competition Secretary will maintain a log of participants' ticket numbers. If the Lottery membership take up increases to a number above 200, the prizes will also increase proportionately in rounded up amounts.
7: The subscription for each Ticket is £10 per month payable using our secure automated card payment form above. Under exceptional circumstances we will accept cheques or standing orders where they are for a full 12 month period in advance:
Entry into any monthly draw must be after clearance of funds.
8: A minimum of 20% of the total monthly subscriptions will be donated to The Club. With the aim of providing 80% or more to the Club.
Draws are to be held on the following basis:
Number of Tickets Issued | |||
21 to 39 | 40 to 80 | 81 to 200 | |
Monthly draws of | £30 | £50 | £100 |
Quarterly draws of | £75 | £100 | £200 |
Bi-annual draws of | £100 | £150 | £500 |
Annual End of season draw of | £200 | £500 | £1,000 |
9: The winner of each draw will be notified by e-mail. Winners will be contacted by The Competition Secretary as soon as possible after the draw and paid to the winner by the same method as the ticket was paid for by. Or a cheque will be sent to the last known address held by The Competition Secretary. It is the responsibility of the participant to advise The Competition Secretary of any change of address. Any prize cheque not cashed within 6 months will be deemed as a donation to The Club. A list of prize winning numbers for each draw will be published on The Club website, in the Grinner, and also on The Club notice board.
10: The Competition Secretary will not pay a prize to any Participant other than the purchaser of a winning ticket.
11: No Lottery participant will be included in the draw if the subscription for that month has not been received. It is the responsibility of each Participant to make sure they have paid their subscription. The Competition Secretary reserves the right to reallocate any number where payment has not been received for a period of 3 months.
12: REFUND POLICY: Under no circumstances will any subscription be refunded except as detailed in point 5 repeated here: If the Lottery does not run then any amounts received in respect of that month or a years subscription for the Lottery will be refunded.
If a participant wishes to withdraw from the Lottery they can do so at the end of each month and will advise The Competition Secretary accordingly. Ticketholder withdrawal or cancellation of payment during a month will not create a refund of any monies already paid during that month. As long as the payment has been received the member will still be eligible for a prize that month. After withdrawal or cancelation of payment the following month, with no payment received, this will confirm the member having left the lottery and no eligibility for any further prizes. If an annual subscription has been received and the member cancels during this annual period, then a Pro rata refund of undrawn months shall apply.
13: The management of the Lottery shall be vested in the Executive Committee of The Club, whose decision shall be final in any matter requiring adjudication. The Executive Committee shall have power to amend or revoke these rules at their absolute discretion. The rules of the Lottery will be available via The Club website and any changes will be notified to Participants via The Club website.
14: The Lottery’s accounts will be available for inspection on request to the Treasurer of The Club. All surplus income over expenditure shall be donated to East Grinstead Hockey Club performance teams.
15: The Lottery is intended to be a Private Society Lottery under the provisions of the Gambling Act 2005.
These Rules were adopted at a meeting of the East Grinstead Hockey Club Committee in a short meeting just after the club AGM: 26/07/2018. Committee consisted of Mr Christopher Gregory EGHC Chairman & 6 others.