Predident's Foreward
David Allen
President, East Grinstead Sports Club
To be asked to write a forward is an honour in itself - to be writing one for a history of the (first) hundred years of a highly successful Hockey Club is a privilege as well.
Probably the first main readings of our book will occur during the few weeks after publication while the next will be around 2096 when a few dedicated members will be absorbed with plans for a book describing the second hundred years, It follows, therefore, that, in our first centennial history, we need to record accurately, objectively and completely not only the interest of present readers but also for the compilers of "The Second Hundred Years" as well.
I believe that we have achieved these goals. I congratulate our contributors on their painstaking research and diligent attention to detail. In particular, our most grateful thanks go to John Harris who, while pursuing a busy professional life, has found time to edit the book and encourage the authors to provide material that combines historical value, reader interest and sufficient, but not tedious, statistical detail.
Our thanks to all concerned and may East Grinstead Hockey Club advance with enthusiasm and success to our second centenary.
David Allen
President, East Grinstead Sports Club