Running all year round on Friday evenings from 8pm (7:30pm during school holidays) Back to Hockey/Social Hockey is a fantastic way to gradually return to hockey and a fantastic opportunity to have some fun before the weekend starts.

All ages, beginners, abilities and players returning from injury are welcome and the training sessions will give you an opportunity to learn some new hockey skills and finish off with a fun game or a social drink in the club house.

If required, spare hockey sticks are available.  Come and join in the fun, with training on Friday evenings, league games and friendlies:

  • Try it out with a free trial !
  • If you've played previously come and get back involved !
  • If you have family members who play and want to experience our sport for yourself come on down !

EGHC's sessions are aimed at beginners with emphasis on the basics, having fun and getting some excercise ! 

For those who decide they would like to become more involved, there are lots of opportunities with the Mens and Ladies sides of the club fielding 5 teams each every weekend including "Veterans" teams for those over 35 and Adult Mixed Hockey !

Back To Hockey currently runs on Friday evenings at East Grinstead Hockey Club from 8pm during term time and from 7:30pm during school holidays.  Those who are interested should contact us by email at

We would be delighted to welcome you !


Friday, 27 February 2015

2015 02 27 Back to Hockey

Friday, 27 February 2015